Online Meditation & Yoga Teacher Training Courses

Yoga is a holistic path of liberation. Free yourself from self-imposed limitations and grow beyond your boundaries!

T. K.V. Desikachar

A good teacher sees the commonality of all human beings and helps each individual find his uniqueness.

There are not enough superlatives to do justice to the depth of sensation and universal essence I experienced during this practice. Absolutely spellbinding!!!!



Online Courses

Dive into yoga asana, pranayama, meditation and philosophy. Expand your practice and transform your inner world from the comfort of your own home.
200 Hour

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300 Hour

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Doing the course online from the comfort of my home was a unique and beneficial experience. It has made it easier to begin integrating these practices into my life and to continue self-study.




Your Teachers

Please contact us if you'd like to find out about the teachers of this course/retreat, their certifications and experiences.

What People Are Saying

I love that all of the instructors are so very different, giving this course a colorful blend and making it very special. Their knowledge is impressive and I could feel with every lecture/topic how much they love to share their wisdom and spiritual discernment.

Jessica, USA

This course was like a Molotov cocktail aimed at my entire being, forcing me gently to increase my awareness and my inner activities. Exactly the boost I needed. I took everything I received from these lovely teachers and integrated it into my thoughts, beliefs, emotions.

Madalina, Romania

I thought I was coming to acquire technical skills and knowledge and instead I cracked open my heart, impacting how I relate to myself and others in every aspect of my life.

 Jenn, Canada

This was a life-changing experience that touched all aspects of my life – physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I feel well prepared to teach yoga and meditation to others.

April, USA

Interested? Reach out!

Frequently asked questions

Online MYTTC

What do I have to do (practically) in order to get certified?
In order to be certified Samyama requires a combination of yoga & meditation practice, theory classes, practicum hours (you practicing teaching), live contact hours with our instructors and online community, passing an exam and completing a final essay. 100% completion of all lectures on the platform is required, plus additional assignments, mentor meetings and monthly live classes. All of the assignments are outlined on the platform. You can also take a look at this PDF (also found on Teachable) to see all course requirements listed.

Download Online MYTTC Course Requirements

How will I be assessed?
You will need to complete a series of practical assignments spread throughout the course. Most of them will be done by recording a video of yourself either practicing, or leading a friend or small group through a class experience. You will also be asked to give a lecture. There is an exam that is administered online with a trusted online exam software, and you will also be asked to write an essay. Once you have finished each assignment, there is a link in the lecture to a Google Drive where you can upload your videos. After you upload your assignment you are in charge of contacting your mentor or TTC coordinator so that one of the instructors can watch your video and give you feedback. Note that some of the practical assignments are for you to only and will not be supervised by an instructor. For details about each assignment, see the Course Requirements PDF above.
How do you know how far I am with my studies?
We use an attendance sheet that you can fill in once you have completed a lecture. We rely on your honesty and truthfulness here. Teachable also tracks your use but isn’t very accurate which is why we ask that you also complete the attendance sheet. You will find it attached in an email after enrollment. Keep the link handy so you can open it after completing each class.
How do I participate in the silent retreat?
The silent retreat has been pre-recorded and is a self-guided experience. There is a lecture on the platform giving you guidelines and tips for preparing for a retreat of this nature done from the comfort of your home. You will be on your computer following the guided practices, but we ask that you silence all notifications and turn off all other devices. When you are ready to do the silent retreat (you get to choose the three days that work best for your schedule) please notify Samyama. This way your mentor, or one of the instructors will be checking the comments daily to answer any questions you may have about the experience. This is the only kind of communication that we encourage. The questions are there to clarify the methods and for additional inspiration. Try not to use this as a way for the mind to avoid the silence.
How much time do I have to complete the course?
We give you a time limit of one year. After the year has finished you can purchase as many extensions as you need, but ideally you are able to complete everything within one year, starting from the day you are enrolled. We don’t do this to make money, but because we have found that it helps our students with accountability. We want you to finish!
Who to contact and how?
Upon enrollment you will be connected to the Online TTC Coordinator via the [email protected] email address. They will assign you to your first mentor (one of the 4 TTC instructors). Your mentor will reach out to you on WhatsApp within the first few weeks to encourage you to finish your first practicum video (self-practice). Once you have uploaded it, you are responsible for contacting your mentor to inform them that you have completed your assignment. After the first or second assignment it is customary to set a date for a video chat meeting with your mentor. They will give you feedback on your videos and you can ask them questions. You will have a total of 4 mentor meetings over the duration of the course, one with each of the instructors. These will be done face to face via WhatsApp or Zoom. For any questions about Teachable, or practical matters, send an email to [email protected] to be connected with the TTC Coordinator. For questions about the contents of the course itself, reach out to your mentor or ask directly on the platform.
Are there any live sessions?
Yes, there will be monthly live sessions via Zoom. Each of our instructors will rotate through a variety of relevant topics. We will aim to have the meetings at different times to cover different time zones. If you cannot attend the live session, a recording will be posted in our shared private Facebook group. The Topics will change depending on the instructors and the inspiration of the month, such as festivals, world events, birthdays, etc. There will also be time in the meetings allocated to Q&A and sharing.
How do I connect to other students?
We have a private Facebook group that you will be invited to upon enrollment. In this group you will find not only others who are participating in the online course, but many of our Samyama graduates both of the Online and In-Person courses. Feel free to engage respectfully in the group regarding topics related to the course itself or living a yogic lifestyle.

If we have a group of people doing the course together at more or less the same time, we may make a WhatsApp group with all participants. This way you will be able to connect to others directly with questions and for support.

Will there be a mention of ‘online’ on the certificate?
Yes, once you pass your final exam, you will receive a certificate that says you have graduated from Samyama’s Online 200-hour Meditation & Yoga Teacher Training Course.